Scotland’s Transatlantic Poetry Magazine
“What a beautiful magazine it is! —and always interesting and intelligent.”
Robert Nye—
All good magazines depend upon the excellence of their contributors.
We welcome submissions, which should include sufficient return postage and a self-addressed envelope if contributors wish unused submissions to be returned. Our preference is to respond by e-mail to all work submitted, and to recycle unused typescripts.
Please allow twenty weeks for consideration of your work. If you have still to hear from us, a reminder by e-mail after this period is appropriate and welcomed. If we can’t give a decision promptly, we will give a realistic expectation of when a decision will be forthcoming, so a writer will be able to decide whether to keep his or her material lodged with us. This is to not only to prevent Horse indigestion but out of consideration for poets submitting their work. Editors are only human. There are times we can’t make our minds up, and need a shove.
Hard copy only, please, and up to six poems, in the first instance.
You can read The Dark Horse editorial on the business of considering poems here.
NB: Owing to a backlog created by the pandemic and recent special issues, which we are working hard to clear, the journal is happy to consider simultaneous submissions.